Research and Publication Committee 2022-2023
Counseling Cell Activities 2020-2021
In this Academic year,the period of corona pandemic lockdown has stressful for all stakeholders but adversity has also led to new learning and opportunities. We are joined hand with Faculty COVID help 2021 what’sapp group and gave a counseling to the students on27th May,2021.Our district collector, Honorable Vice chancellor of Madurai Kamaraj University , RJD of Collegiate Education Dr.C.Rama Subramanian, faculty members from various colleges and student volunteers are members of this group. Our objective is to support the Government and the public by establishing infrastructure and systems to manage the pandemic in the city. Through this group online counseling consultation, awareness through video clipping is done in collaboration with Medical Specialists Madurai Kamaraj University. On 9.6.2021 , we had a meeting at collector office.our District Collector ,Honorable Vice Chancellor of Madurai Kamaraj University , RJD of Collegiate Education Dr.C.Rama Subramanian,Dr.Prabhahar(psychiatrist), Professor Guru Bharathy, faculty members from various colleges and student volunteers were present. Our collector has appreciated the involvement of our principals, Faculty members and student volunteers in dealing with COVID Pandemic. From 15th June2021 ,online training programme entitled with “Training on Psychological Care during COVID” was started for selected student volunteers and faculty members. The experts team from M.S.ChellaMuthu Trust and Research Foundation, team of doctors, Epidemiologist are also join with us in this venture. Student volunteers gave the awareness about vaccination and collect the data from the people those who are vaccinated in Madurai.
Counseling Cell Activities 2019-2020
Awareness Program:
St. Justin’s college of Education counseling cell organized a common counseling session on Awareness of social issues among Adolescence childrenin 26th August 2019 at Puliangulam Government Higher Secondary School, Madurai . Dr.D.Vani Maheswari Counseling cell coordinator and Dr.C.Meenakshi, member of this cell are Acted as the Resource persons.
Domestic Violence Act
To provide the awareness about the Domestic Violence act, the college arranged one session related to this Act on 03.09.2019. The chair person was Miss. Maria Rose Amala Pushpam, Assistant Professor of commerce. She explained about Domestic Violence Act 2005, scope of the Act and who can file a complaint under the domestic violence Act, types of abuse under the domestic violence Act, duty of courts while deciding cases under the domestic violence Act.
She also insisted about sexual Harassment of women at workplace act, .2013. In India it seeks to protect women from sexual harassment at this place of work. In that she expressed the views of sexual harassment and also clarified about how to give complaint to the commission, what are the Laws under this Act?
Every Week Counseling session program as follows:
Corona Awareness :
As people around the world are taking precautions to protect themselves, their families and their communities from COVID- 19. So our cell member Dr.C. Meenakshi gave awareness on preventing and controlling the spread of COVID19 on 11.3.2020.
The college has various committees in order to be effective in all areas.
The committees and their functions are as follows:
The admission committee is very effective in our college . The members are from the Management and Senior staff members. The admissions are done in various steps . The advertisement is made through online and through posters. Application was uploaded in our website. The date of submission of applications was announced through website and through phone calls. The certificates were verified for eligibility and completion. The admissions were done according to the norms of the Tamil Nadu State which is also given to the college through TNTEU. Transparency is observed in the admissions for the eight subjects of our college.
This committee takes care of the following activities :
a) Assembly arrangements
b) Flag hoisting
c) Students talk
This committee planned fro the acitivities in the beginning of the year and also evaluated the programme . It has been actively functional during the year.
The members of this committee are committed to take care of discipline at all times, specially during important events such as: Morning assembly, Teachers Day, Alumni Association, Seminars, Parents Meet, Teachers Day and also National Celebrations. The Administration is proud of the Discipline maintained among the students.
The college is setting a model for society in maintaining cleanliness in and around the college campus.
This programme is fostered by the Prime Minister a nd the District collector initiated the activities.
On 20.9.2017 Madurai District Collector, Mr. Veeraragava Rao IAS called the youth for cleaning the Vaigai River before the 2nd of October 2017.
On 21.9.2017 All staff and students divided themselves into 10 groups to clean the public places in Kamarajar Salai and Kuruvikkaran Salai. This made the students to involve themselves fully well and develop te spirit to take care of the environment and keep India Clean.
On 27.9 2017 All staff and students went and cleaned the Virahanur Dam area. The students involved themselves and the dam area was clean.
On 28.9.2017 Prime Minister’s Clean India programme was successfully carried out by our students and staff together with the students of other colleges under the guidance and in the presence of the District Collector. It was started at Kalpalam. The 33 km Vaigai River was cleaned . Students went and gave awareness to the public with slogans and pluck cards. The college motto “For God and Country” was realized on that day and students developed a sense of patriotism on that day.
Tour committee of our college functions effectively.
On 21.7.17 The college administration organized for the college tour after getting permission from the educational hogher authorities and parents. The second year students 77 in number travelled to Chennai and visited Acharapakkam shrine, Malmaruvathur temple, Mahabalipuram, Zoological park , Vandalur, Anna Science Park, Marina Beach , Memorials of MGR, Anna and Dr. Jayalalitha and finally Paandi Bazaar. They came back safely early in the morning.
The members also counsel and motivate the students towards future options.
This cell has been formed to protect women in the learning and working environment. The cell plans to give awareness to school students on Good touch, Bad touch , and Laws dealing with sexual harassment and to give Anti sexual harassment toll-free number to school students through their teachers.
All the above activities were carried out successfully through the members.
The college has the Anti-Ragging Cell. This cell is very active in bringing awareness to the students and supervising the activities. The cellphone numbers and email IDs of the concerned officers and members are displayed in the college notice boards. This cell functions together with the district board of which the district collector is the head. Every month report of events of this cell is submitted to the district office.
Citizenship Training
Visit to hearing Impaired School
These Cubs functioned effectively throughout the year. Students developed various skills and interests in these areas.
They also developed creativity and spread their interests around them . One of the objectives of education is to develop a person to b a good citizen and worthy use of leisure time.
This was actualized through our clubs.
Lingua Franca Spial | Dr. A. Mary Delphine |
Yoga | Mrs. Chandra |
Beauty and Decoration | Sr. Marthal |
Eco | Dr. C. Meenakshi |
Dance | Mrs. Vani |
Nightingale | Sr. Amalorpavam |
Tech Know | Mrs. Rethi |
Debate | Sr. Sasikala |
Drama | Mrs. Thilagavathi |
Film Analysis | Ilavarasi |
Health and Diet Club | Mrs. Manimegalai |