
Survey No : Madurai Registration District Town Survey ward


Total Land Area : 3acres 36Cents

It covers an area of 3.36 acres with 5 blocks. An administrative block was constructed in 1968 which consisted of Principal’s room, a library and an office room. A thatched shed which was adjacent to the administrative block was renovated into a new science block in 1981 and a hostel was built in 1984. In 1987, a specially designed kitchen room and a deep well were the added facilities, as the financial assistance was provided by then Arch Bishop of Madurai. In 1993, the second floor of the administrative block, 1996 – a Hexagonal building for library, were the newly constructed buildings for the improvement of the College. In 2003, the seminar hall of the first floor was renovated into a splendid auditorium and the Justo Computer Centre in the first floor of the Science block was opened. After 16th November 2003, a spacious landscape with buildings was purchased and the College premises were extended. The new extended building consisted of a huge block with three sections. The first section consists of the new administrative block, the Principal’s room, seminar hall – I and seminar hall – II. The Second section comprises games room, Psychology lab, Computer centre, Biological Science classroom, language laboratory and Technology lab. The third section consists of Library, Staff room, Physical Science laboratory and classroom. The spacious Classroom constructed above the Open Air Stage is renovated and utilized as M.Ed Classroom. The already existing toilets and bathrooms were also renovated at an expense of Rs. 7 lakhs. The short account presents a global picture of how the College has flourished slowly from 1968 till now in many ways and thus it has crossed mile stones of growth and development in all aspects.

Block - 1 (Administration Block)

Block - 2 (Auditorium & Classroom Block)

Block - 3 ( Science Block )

Block -4 ( M.Ed & Open Theatre

Block - 5 ( Multipurpose Hall )

6.Hostel Block 1 & 2

Campus Facilities and Student Amenities

A spacious library with the area of 1203 sq. feet and 10,069 books are available three hours per week is allotted within the timetable for regular work. The books are lent to the students for a week. Book bank also serves as a good resource for learning.

LIBRARY for B.Ed & M.Ed


Psychology Laboratory

The psychology laboratory with the area of 237 sq. ft. is equipped with necessary questionnaires and tools. Three hours per week is allotted within the time table to carry out psychological testing. The students conduct at least 5 experiments each and maintain a record.

Bio-Science Laboratory cum Class Room

A biology laboratory cum class room has 900 sq. ft. Demonstrations are conducted in the Bio-Science laboratory. The Bio-Science students conduct 10 experiments in groups and maintain a record.

Educational Technology Laboratory for B.Ed & M.Ed

A well-equipped educational technology laboratory with an sq. ft. of 1313 is utilized for at least three hours per week within the timetable. Viewing of television, C.D. ROMs, and micro-teaching demonstration as well as practice by the students and recording of radio lessons and lectures, shooting of micro-teaching practices, and usage of audio, video cassettes and CAI packages are the activities carried on in the Educational Technology Laboratory. A separate record is also maintained.

Physical Science Laboratory cum Class Room

The physical science laboratory cum classroom has 1203 sq. ft. Demonstrations are conducted in the Physical Science laboratory. The Physical Science students conduct 10 experiments in groups and maintain a record.

Language Laboratory for B.Ed & M.Ed

The UGC grants were utilized to structure a new Language Laboratory. The newly installed Language laboratory is quite an excitement for language learners. The first-year students made use of it fully well under various activities. They listened to the native speakers. They recorded their voice compared with the native speakers and analyzed them. They listened and responded speaking. Through this, they developed their communication skill. The students also undertook tests in listening. The language lab helped the students in developing their language capacity. A language laboratory with 237 sq. ft. with the necessary equipment is made available for the students. Three hours per week is allotted within the timetable.

Justo Computer Centre for B.Ed & M.Ed

The Computer center (557 sq. feet) with Eleven computers is used for conducting need-based certificate courses for the students. It also helps the staff & students to prepare & use learning packages. The Internet facility is used for reference work and communicative purposes.

Games Room


Seminar Hall - 1

Seminar Hall - 2

Bio-Science Laboratory cum Class Room-1

Physical Science Laboratory cum Class Room - 2

Commerce Class Room - 3

Maths Class Room - 4

History Class Room - 5

Computer Science Class Room - 6

English Class Room - 8

Class Room -10

Class Room -11

M.Ed Class Room

Smart Classroom

A Smart Classroom has been structured in our college with the utilization of UGC Grants. This room is quite convenient for the use of teaching, practicing, and Practical Examinations. With the connectivity of WiFi, this is a very interesting place to learn and is favored by staff and much desired by students. This is one more step in the development of our college.

Administration Section

Principal Room

Office Room

Computer Room

Confrence Hall


Teaching Staff Room for B.Ed

Teaching Staff Room for M.Ed
