Educational Plan

Action Plans for the Academic Year 2017-2018

To conduct at least five seminars and one workshop for student teachers.
To provide counselling to all the students by the Teacher Educators.
To arrange for special professional counselling once in a month.
To conduct one interactive seminar for the school pupils (on Counselling) to change their mind set to accept their environment.
To provide one enrichment programme for Teacher Educators on Innovative Teaching Methods for Large Classes.
To organize one International Seminar/National Seminar for Teacher Educators.
To conduct small research projects in the B.Ed. major subjects during their Intensive Teaching Practice.

For the Student Teachers :

To take one seminar to the B.Ed. classes by the M.Ed. students.
To observe B.Ed. student during the Intensive Teaching period by the M.Ed. students.
To provide opportunity to the students to take one seminar with Power Point presentation.
To train the M.Ed and B.Ed students to present papers in the International and National Seminars and Conferences.

Action Plans II for 2017-18

To provide opportunity to the students to take their seminar with OHP and PowerPoint presentation.
Each Teacher Educator should sent at least one research article to the International and National Journal.
To develop one Self-Learning Module for at least one unit in their subject by the Teacher Educators.
To provide more awareness programmes to the school pupils and the public.
To provide more number of seminars and workshops to the students.
To update the college website.

Plans of the college for the next year

Starting an Educational Research Journal.
International Seminar/National Seminar for Teacher Educators and College Professors.
One seminar/workshop for the school teachers on Suicidal Tendency of School pupils.
One day seminar on coping with Stress for High School students.
Seminars to the student teachers to improve their personality.
Publishing more books by Staff Members.
Starting more research works.
Publishing more articles in Journal.
Undertaking minor projects.
Undertaking Action Research programmes by staff.
Doing major-wise small research project work by B.Ed students.
Preparation of self-learning materials by staff.
To offer a short-term course in Spoken English and Computer Literacy to B.Ed. students.
To provide more certificate courses to B.Ed. students.
To equip the library with additional books.
Conducting Training Programme for the non-teaching staff for their professional development.