

Due to the lockdown, the college and universities were closed in the academic year (2020-2021) so, we were not able to conduct the association in offline mode. But the faculty members were taken steps to contact the association in online mode (using Google Meet and Zoom). The Various departments piloted the association online and extrapolate the students’ critical thinking, Individual capacity every Wednesday. All the departments delivered the association with a different program, which was related to their major subjects.



In order to develop a sense of team spirit and the ability to organize and carry out any responsible activity among students, the associations of various disciplines functioned as under the guidance of concerned major staff members. The Valedictory functions of the various Associations were collectively held and reports were presented department-wise on the 17th&18th of February 2020. The chief guest of the functions was Ms.Kalaiselvi, Tamil Teacher, Rev.Fr.Suresh Michael ArockiaRaj, Principal, Dr.R.Maria Sophia Chitra, HOD, Dept of Commerce, The American College, Mrs.P.Ruth, PG Assistant, VMJ school. The programs were highlighted with various performances by the students.

The Program Names Were

  • Math’s & history -“STATCENSTORIA”
  • Physical, biological & Computer Science- “ C62”
  • Tamil – “ SANGAMITHRA”

Bio Association

Bio-Science Department

Commerce Department

English Department

History Department

Maths Association

Maths Department

Physical Science Association

Physical Science Department

Various subject Associations are conducted by the student teachers themselves in consultations with the staff members. Once in a month, an opportunity is provided to exhibit their talents & potential leadership qualities & organizing ability through their subject association. The annual Valedictory Association meeting is conducted at the end of every academic year by the various disciplines in a combined manner presided by subject experts from other institutions.



The college has various departmental associations which are functioning throughout the year.
To bring these associations to the valediction the Associations were held on 22.3.2018 and 23.3.2108.


On 22. 3. 2018 the Tamil Language Association was held. The Chief Guest was Ilasai Sundaram. He witnessed the performance of the students and gave a wonderful talk to the audience.


Later on the same day Midmorning, Belles Letters Guild, The English Association was organized. Mrs. P. Prasanna, the TNTEU M.Ed Ist Rank holder of the academic year 2016-2017 was the chief guest. Students performed various ways of teaching Prose, Poetry, and Grammar. Most exciting was the Puppet show, Fun Dance and language games. P. Prasanna gave an influential talk to the students and appreciated the various strategies adapted by the B.Ed students.

Mathematics, History And Commerce

In the afternoon the Mathematics, History, and Commerce departments conducted their association under the name MAHI.Com -2018. Mr. John Berchmans, Former DEO from Trichy came as Chief Guest. students performed activities such as Mathematics in life, Quiz, and dance. History students gave a briefing on their activities. Commerce students presented their consumer knowledge to the audience

Physics, Biology And Computer Science

On 23.3.2108 Physics, Biology and Computer Science had their association . Mrs. Ismail Fatima our Former Student who did M.Ed here and who si currently doing her Ph. D in Arulandar College came as Chief Guest. During the association tribute to Stephen Hawkings was paid by showing his achievements through PowerPoint presentations. The Computer Science department presented a lesson on how to Blog. There was a dance performance and the Biology Students presented a Science Diary – a collection of Events during the year. In the Presidential Address, Mrs. Ismail shared her experiences in the research work and she also said that she is proud to be a Justinian . he also encouraged the fellow students to follow suit and make use of the given opportunity at our college.

These associations enhance skill development and innovations in the respective subjects. At the end of the year, the objective of conducting the subject associations was fulfilled.